Do you want to lose 20% weight?
By Martin Vahi
The new year started almost a month ago and a lot of people and companies are making their New Year’s resolutions. Some of you already gave up with pushups, some of you are still struggling to get up 15min earlier to find time to do burpees exercise.
So let’s dive into the most common New Year’s resolutions, with a bit of a twist.

26% of people want to lose weight.
We know this weird feeling once we step on scale and number boosts over the preferred figure. 26% of the people have made their resolutions to lose weight. In Enerbrain, we talk about taking the weight off your energy bill. If you want to see results you need to ask yourself which is your ideal weight first. We have achieved an average ‘weight loss’ between 20-40% in more than 350 projects in different climate zones.
23% of people want to save money or get out of debt.
Saving money or stopping the waste is another popular New Year’s resolution. People have different dreams, to invest in insulation, change windows, change the roof. Once you are in debt, it is a bit more complicated. While facing a crisis, sometimes you are stuck with your existing obligations and it is hard to get out of there without losses. Once you are in debt, the saving will help initiate a virtuous cycle and enable you to lower your debt. If you are losing “weight” off your energy bills, it simultaneously helps you to save money. To put it into the figures, the energy cost for HVAC in a 25 000m2 big shopping mall in euros is 240 000. Let’s say we can save 23%. This saving equates to 55 200€. With an investment of ca 130 000€ and on top of that, there is a fee to keep your system updated, connected to the cloud and provide you with the support this will give you with a very short payback time.
17% of people want to travel more.
Most of us like travelling, exploring different cultures and places. Visiting your family and friends who live abroad and be there if it is needed. Now imagine the facility manager who operates a portfolio, with 20 buildings and they have to be in every single building to turn on the mode from winter to summer. Imagine the time spent on this very trivial task and what if he could do this at a touch of a button instead? What if (s)he can change the calendar settings in his/her buildings from one dashboard? Or that (s)he can deal with the tenant complaining at the very same time they call him/her complaining about an anomaly on this air handling unit? (S)He just has to set a lower temperature from his/her computer (we are assuming they have an internet connection) to manage his/her portfolio.
9% of people want to make new friends.
Friends are the ones who show you different perspectives, provide you with their knowledge and support during hard times. In a professional context, we call them partners and you need to have good partners to be successful. A good partner is the one you don’t even notice. Also if there is an issue you have someone to rely on to solve it.
7% of people want to get a new job.
At times it can feel like we are stuck under a pile of duties and we really don’t enjoy what we do. Sometimes it is a wise decision to change places, sometimes to rotate within the same company. From my own experience, facility managers are one of the busiest people on the planet. Perhaps they are “overweight”, “in debt”, “always travelling” and they “don’t have good friends”, if we consider the points I pointed out earlier? I often see that they have to cut corners and firefight all the time because micromanaging their building management system is wasting their time. Plus they have other duties on top of that. What if we clone them? Yeah, it is possible. It is named AI, who can take over the simple tasks we do manually at the moment, but which don’t require our presence at all. This helps facility managers to work on things which really need their attention and physical presence.
7% of people want to find love.
That is also something we can see from a different perspective. I take it you love what you do. For facility managers, dealing with technical tasks may also be their hobby and hobbies we usually love doing. Why not find love from your everyday life? For example, being sustainable, polluting less and being energy efficient are the goals for many people and companies. Solving these problems with technology and finding the right solution together with your new partner, is something that would make your job enjoyable again.
20% of people want to be healthier.
To work properly we need to be fit mentally and physically plus we have to be healthy. The environment around us has to be healthy to perform better. Heating, ventilation and cooling systems have to provide us with the indoor comfort we deserve. There are studies showing that if the indoor air quality is poor, for example, and the temperature and/or CO2 level is too high, we are not that productive. Second thing is that indoor CO2 is the air we exhale. If we talk about any virus which spreads through the air, we have to understand and measure the CO2 levels. Once we have the need to ventilate more, we have to take action. Preferred automated way without reacting when it is too late. The healthy indoor environment is the key to productive actions.
In Enerbrain we calculate efficiency based on the measured energy consumption. All the efficiency which comes on top, like saving results is a bonus. We want to provide you with the best possible service, with an affordable fee.
I have been taking part in different seminars, courses and conferences. One thing is common for most of them, they provide you with the theory, but not with an action plan. I want you to book a session with me, to set up a plan for action. If you are interested in finding out more, write to me and let’s schedule a meeting.
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